
Try this session some time.

This is a particularly difficult one.

The usual warmup:

Run three laps (400m) gently. Stretch gently for five minutes.
Run two laps. Stretch five more minutes working through all the muscle groups.
Run one lap. More stretching.
Three 100m stride-outs (75% effort), walk back to the start.
50m high knee lifts (raising kness as high as possible) and 50 high back kicks (kicking leg back towards your butt as far as you can). 100m side strides (runnning sideways, alternating sides to swap leading leg).

OK, you're warmed up.

Now, run 6x1200 metres with three minutes break in between each.

Pace is strong but with sufficient in reserve to get you through the session. If you feel yourself flagging, think about your form and concentrate on keeping your hips high, your arms at 90 degree and your head high.

When you're done, do a ten minute cooldown jog and stretch for 10 to 15 minutes.

It's a tough session but somebody has to do it.


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