
Record rain as storms upset the dogs.

Tuesday night's session was 10 x 300 metres on the track, two lots of five with a ten-minute rest. Got through it OK, a little slow perhaps, but running conservatively. Don't think I could have run much faster though.

Thunder and lightning started early afternoon, broke for our training session (convenient) and then resumed and continued throughout the night.

Goldie the Brittany does not like storms at all. Billy's OK with them. Goldie darts about, panting as if she's been out for a run. She just won't settle during a storm. After a while she was OK and then just fell asleep I guess. I slept well after the tough session.

In the morning, I took the dogs out for their usual walk, there was a lot of water about with garden beds washed away, etc. Seems there had been 120mls of rain, not sure what that is in inches, in two hours - some kind of 100 year record. Tonight we'll walk the dogs at Merri Creek to see if it has broken its banks.

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