
At the vet's.

Well, what a line-up.

Late afternoon sun streamed into the vet's waiting room as a bunch of scratching dogs waited patiently with their owners.

It's the spring itching season.

Goldie has been biting herself due to an allergy triggered by spring pollens. As have lots of other dogs.

We had seen a pair of beautiful greyhounds being taken from a van in the carpark. One had the most beautiful dark colouring around her Cleopatra-like eyes, almost like accentuated eyeliner. Just magnificent, beautiful dogs. Soon they came in with their owner and were taken through reception to a room in the back. They were hesitant, pulling back.

When we went in to see the vet, T. asked him what was wrong with the greyhounds. His expression confirmed her worst fears.

She turned pale. The vet was sympathetic - he's a greyhound specialist and sees a lot of this - but he's also pragmatic. Better that than to go to a bad home or be mistreated.

Goldie had her injection to counterract the allergy and we came away with a bunch of pills to help that and her arthritis.

The saddest thing was that Goldie, fondly recognising greyhounds, had run over to the doomed pair and they had given her a friendly lick. It was their last action in a too-short life.

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