

Had lunch with friends Yvie and Tim at Ray in Brunswick.

Yvie brought along Arkie, her 14-week-old wire-haired foxie. You've never seen a cuter dog. But naughty! Oh my, Arkie was bouncing around all over the place.

Goldie, 12 years old and 'over' puppies put up with her for a while and then finally gave a deep throaty growl when Arkie jumped on her back as she was reclining on the footpath (we sat outside in the sun). I put Goldie back in the car (directly across the road, in the shade) after a while, wound down the windows and poured her a drink of water in her 'travelling' bowl.

We had our lunch and Arkie, now skitting around under the table, started chewing my shoelaces.

Yvie picked her up and gave her a drink from her water glass.

Naughty puppy.


We were hoping to have a call from Eric's new home to see how he's going. Apparently the new owner had had a small dog killed by dogs next door and progressed to another dog which apparently bit her. The Greyhound Adoption Program lady assured us she would be a good 'owner' for Eric, and that another neighbour was a vet nurse and vouched for her suitability. Still I couldm't help wondering whether she wanted Eric, a big brindle, as protection of some kind. Greyhounds are so not like that.

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