
Goldie fails to execute perfect left turn at full speed.

Goldie the Brittany is losing control of her rear legs when doing something like a full-stretch run along the hallway with a hard left leading towards the back door.

Mid-turn, her rear legs flop, failing to achieve traction on the polished floorboards, and she falls over before scrambling into position for a straight-ahead surge at the door.

Of course, if she walked delicately, this wouldn't happen. But Brittanies don't walk delicately, so this is an unachievable hypothetical.

The only solution so far is to move the persian rug from the bedroom to the hallway. It doesn't really 'go' there but it gives Goldie adequate traction, even if she does move it slightly each time she tears past. I'm forever now straightening it up.

Oh well. Can't have a dog falling over all the time. Off to the vet this week to check it out. Hope it's not serious. Already lost one pooch this year.

I'm sure it's just a touch of arthritis. She is 12, you wouldn't think so to look at her.

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