
Running notes.

Taking summer off means I can do a little more running. Especially with friends, it beats running on your own.

Summer track season has started and I've run a 5000 metres and a 1500 metres and also done three walks - 2 x 2000 metres and one 3000. Crazy event but someone has to do it.

Numbers competing have dropped off a little, some find it a bit daunting running on the track, compared to running cross country. Understandable I guess. Especially in the heat.

Early yesterday morning, I had a beach run with a couple of guys from the running group. They're training for some Special Operations Group trial which involves army-style running in difficult conditions. So we're running down the beach - but not on the hard sand, on the soft sand. Man that is difficult.

The regular group's Thursday night session was hills - eight sprints up a medium hill of about 300 metres. I was dead beat last night but I certainly enjoyed my dinner.

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